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I feel comfortable to give an honest review on this product, due to owning it for so long. I ordered the case on the 29th of November in 2018. This is my own personal experience and opinion about this product.

The company GOATCase designs and makes products for your phone or tablet, such as cases, chargers and power banks. Their most popular product is their anti-gravity case which they called the "GOATCASE". This case was designed to allow you to attach your phone to many flat surfaces like glass, mirrors plastic, metal, ceramic, wood and leather. They also sell the case for a very reasonable price. I got mine on sale for $27.24 AUD.

This case is extremely useful for taking hands free photograph or filming with your phone, which is the main reason I bought this phone. You can also use it while you are cooking by sticking your splash back. However I'm not sure this will work if you have a runway tile splash back. You could also use it for hands-free navigation while driving, but I would not recommend doing this.

I was shocked when the case actually stuck to the surfaces I placed it on. It seems to stick the glass and mirrors very well. GOATCase States that their products stick to wood, however I have tried multiple wooden surfaces, including kitchen cabinet doors and it would not stick. When the case does stick to a surface, I have found there has been multiple times where it has fall after a few seconds. However, I find a slightly damp clothe and the heat of your breathe fixes this problem.

I'm not a big fan of the way the case feels either, due to its sticky surface. Another thing I dislike about this case is it isn't very hygienic. The case is slightly tacky, which attracts dirt and hair. I don't even want to know how much bacteria is on this case. Because of these things, I only put the case on my phone when I want to attach my phone to something for taking a photo, etc. Other than that I don't use it very often.

If you want to purchase this case I suggest you have a second case you can swap to when not in use. The idea of this case is great, and it actually works. I even though I wish they would fix the hygiene issues this product has, I still highly recommend this product.

To buy one for yourself, CLICK HERE.

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